Are Your Bowel Movements Healthy?

Let’s chat about your bowel movements.

Did you just cringe a bit? Let’s face it, poop isn’t anybody’s favourite topic. But, believe it or not, our bowel movements give us important insights into our health. However, we often overlook these potential warning signs because it can be challenging to talk about them – even at an appointment with a naturopath in Atlanta.

Your Appointment is a Judgement-Free Zone

Keep in mind that your healthcare practitioner will not be in shock or uncomfortable when you talk about your poop. In fact, that’s part of our job! No matter how embarrassing it may be, we want to help you understand and solve your health issues. So, if you are concerned, please don’t hesitate to bring it up.

Your Poop is a Reflection of Your Health

The color and odor of your feces are indicators of your overall health and any inflammation in your gut since your digestive system connects intricately with your nervous system and detox pathways. Changes in your bowel habits might also indicate changes in other areas of your body, including excessive stress, liver issues, and cancer. 

The good news is that we don’t have to go into much detail about the many sorts of bowel movements and what they signify. There’s already a chart that shows various problems and what to look for called the Bristol Stool Chart after the hospital that developed it in 1997.

What The Bristol Stool Chart Looks At

  • Smell
  • Colour
  • Frequency
  • Ease
  • Completion
  • Red flags

What The Bristol Stool Chart Means for You

To summarize the Bristol Stool Chart, your stools should have a daily occurrence that is medium brown, well-formed, and not too smelly. Blood, mucus, or any changes to your stool may be indicative of a bigger issue that requires medical help. If you see anything unusual, talk to your healthcare practitioner right away. 

How to Improve Your Bowel Movements

If you’ve ruled out a medical issue but still believe things aren’t proceeding as smoothly as they should, there are a few easy changes you may make to improve your bowel movements.

Pay attention to your diet. 

Fiber is essential for regularity and helps to keep things moving by adding some bulk to your stool – good fiber options are seeds, whole grains, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables. A high-fiber diet may be new to you, so take things slowly at first by gradually increasing your intake. This will keep your stomach from getting upset, and always make sure you drink more water when upping your fiber since it can cause dehydration. Furthermore, ensure you consume sufficient amounts of healthy fats from plant-based sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

Pay close attention to how particular foods affect your digestion.

If you have diarrhea or constipation, try keeping a food journal to determine what you eat and the symptoms you notice after eating these particular foods. If you’re having trouble staying on track with your diet, we can help you set up an effective tracking system to make things easier. 

Choose medication carefully. 

Many medications can cause constipation, so it is essential to pay attention and change your diet accordingly. Laxatives should be avoided as much as possible since your body grows reliant on them quickly, and some research suggests that using them increases the risk of colorectal cancer. Discuss with your integrative medical practitioner about natural solutions to constipation caused by medications if diet alone isn’t enough.

Stay hydrated. 

Aim for the proverbial eight cups of water a day. Drinking enough water is especially important if you’ve recently increased your fiber intake. Our stools are 75 percent water, and the bowel muscles need plenty of hydration to function properly. 

Increase your movement. 

Exercise stimulates your digestion. According to studies, regular exercise and, if feasible, at the same time of the day helps improve digestion. 

In fact, sitting for too long overall can lead to constipation regardless of other exercises, another argument for working at a standing desk for part of the day. In addition, be aware of how your body moves. Some yoga poses can also help with digestion.

Develop a routine, and don’t fight the urge. 

If you feel like you’ve got to go, don’t ignore that feeling! Constipation may develop if you fight the urge to poop. Setting aside a specific time of the day can help you stay regular. 

Change positions. 

As well, consider the way you sit on the toilet. Toilets have only been in use for a short time in human history. That means that we evolved pooping from a squatting position. Many people find that raising their feet on a stool helps them squat down and make bowel movements simpler.

Talk openly. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your bowel movements, don’t hesitate to come into the office and talk about them. Your stool might be a good indicator that something is wrong with your body, and it’s always better to bring up an issue than to worry about it!


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