F.A.Q. - DrPND

We take pride in providing you with the finest service, natural products, and protocols available on your journey to natural health.  While we have created some of the most frequently asked questions we have been asked, we encourage you to contact us with your questions and to be an active participant with us in your health care. Our staff is available to keep you up-to-date and educated regarding all of our services, products and health care recommendations.

Why Use Us?

At A&A Wellness we are natural health-conscious individuals dedicated to bringing you natural health and healing modalities that work. Everything we advise you use to improve your health has already been tried and tested in our clinical setting before we ever recommend it to you. If a product or service does not perform or has not been proven to work for us, then it will not be recommended to you.

Our promise to you…If we have not tried and tested a product or a service with ourselves and clients and found it to meet all our expectations to our complete satisfaction for wellness, then we will never offer it to you.

What is a Traditional Naturopath?

Naturopaths are trained specialists in a separate and distinct healing art which uses non-invasive natural remedies. They are not orthodox medical doctors like Medical Doctors (MDs). Naturopaths are conventionally trained in subjects such as anatomy, physiology, counseling, dietary evaluations, nutrition, herbology, acupressure, muscle relaxation and structural normalization, homeopathy, iridology, exercise therapy, hydrotherapy, and oxygen therapy. Some practitioners are also trained in additional specialties such as acupuncture.

Naturopaths tailor the healing modality of the needs of the individual with methods which are effective for both chronic and acute problems. Naturopaths cooperate will all branches of medical science, referring individuals to other practitioners for diagnosis or treatment when appropriate.

In practice, Naturopaths perform lifestyle analysis, laboratory testing, nutritional and dietary assessments, metabolic analysis and other evaluative procedures. They are trained to use a wide variety of natural methods which involve the individual in the healing process. Naturopathy is based upon a belief in the body’s innate God-given natural ability to heal itself when given an appropriate internal and external healing environment. Naturopaths are not involved in the practice of medicine and do not use drugs or pharmaceuticals, nor do they perform abortions or surgery (other than minor first aid). They have been traditionally referred to as “drugless doctors”. Naturopaths deal with wellness and relief from conditions which are the result of stress whether from mental, emotional, nutritional, environmental, or physical factors. It is almost always a combination of all the above. The physical and nutritional factors are almost always the easiest and fastest to address.

Naturopaths treat the root cause not the symptom, when the cause of the illness turns to wellness the symptom goes away.

What will my investment in my health be?

This is an important question! Investment is dependent upon your level of health and wellness, where you are on that level at the time of your initial visit, and how quickly your body will respond to the proper protocols of natural healing. To achieve wellness, you need to commit to a program of care for at least one year. You did not get ill quickly, and your body will require at least one year to rebuild with proper cleansing and nutrition. In answer to the question, “What will my investment in my health be?” The range of investment into your health and wellness will be somewhere between $250 per month to $600 per month depending on your personal needs, health level and level of commitment.

Does my insurance cover this?

Some health insurance companies do cover alternative health therapies but at the present time most do not. You will have to contact your health insurance company and ask them if they will pay for alternative health therapies and if they will, request their claim forms. We require that you pay us and be reimbursed by your insurance company.

How long will it take me to feel better?

This question was partially answered in the question pertaining to “investment.” Your timing in feeling better depends upon many things: your current lifestyle, toxicity of your body, your willingness to follow a wellness program, your level of commitment, your mental attitude and your belief system. Basically, in natural health there are no incurable diseases. There are however some incurable people.

Three types of people are incurable:

  1. Those people who enjoy illness and enjoy the attention they receive from other others during illness.
  2. Those people who will not follow a wellness program to completion.
  3. Those people whose time has come to leave this world and they are aware of it. We can make them comfortable and relieve their pain, but we cannot bring them back to wellness.

Other than these three types of people there are no incurable diseases. How long it takes you to “feel better” is dependent on you and how hard you are willing to work to obtain good health and natural wellness. At A&A Wellness & #DrPND we will provide you with the tools and a health care programs specifically designed to fit your needs. However, bottom line…the final commitment to the program we design for you is your responsibility.

Can I take my prescription drugs and take these products and feel better doing it?

Most of our products are herbal based, wholefood grade, therapeutic health, and wellness products. We would not recommend any product that would be contra-indicated with any pharmaceutical drug you are currently taking. Since most of our products are “herb & food based” the answer most commonly is “yes.” We will require a list of all pharmaceutical drugs you are taking at the time of your initial visit. If we do not know what drugs you are taking and the reason they were prescribed, we will more than likely not be able to recommend a natural health program for you.

How am I going to know I am doing this Natural Health Program correctly?

There are a couple of ways to know if you are doing your program correctly. Number one, you may start to feel more energy, be more alert, and feel more alive like you felt as a child or teenager. Or number two, depending how toxic laden your systems are, you may feel worse even starting through what we call a “healing crisis”. However, you will not experience a healing crisis unless you are well enough to handle one. A “healing crisis” may involve a headache, diarrhea, vomiting, a skin rash, or flu-like symptoms. If this happens rest assured, it will pass in 24 hours and you will feel better.

Do I have to change my diet?

Only if you seriously want to get well. We have all heard the phrase, “if you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always got.” This is as true today as when the phrase was first coined.

Why the need to take supplements?

First, let us explain the basis of any holistic health nutritional supplemental protocol.  When a person has symptoms of disease, whatever that might be, it is important to understand that in natural holistic health the practitioner sees the Symptom as an expression of a dysfunction in the physiological body. Then, the question begets what is causing the Dysfunction. The answer to that is always number one, a nutrient(s) deficiency, and secondary some form of toxicity.  If any person has grown up in the US and has eaten the SAD (Standard American Diet) he/she will have subclinical deficiencies without fail.  The clinical and obvious deficiencies are easy to stop. There will be symptoms such as Rickets, Beri Beri, Cerebral Palsy, Scurvy and other ones that mainstream medicine knows about.  It was not long ago, about 2 decades, that mainstream medicine realized that a woman that is pregnant has to take Folic Acid in order to prevent cerebral palsy. That is about a 2-cent vitamin per day. Simple, right?!  However, what is not readily known are the subclinical deficiencies that most people struggle with. 

That is why when a holistic health practitioner trained in this field looks at comprehensive metabolic assessments, blood panels along with symptom surveys, they can recognize deficiency and toxicity patterns in the client. 

In addition, due to our conventional agricultural practices, the soils have been severely depleted of many important macro and micro nutrients for decade now. Therefore, many of the essential micronutrients required for optimal physiological function are absent or extremely low in our foods. Even if people eat 100% organic and truly natural diet, they still are not getting these nutrients in optimal levels, if at all. 

At this moment in human history, we are living in an altered environment of our own making, constantly ingesting, and absorbing over 80,000 manmade chemicals without even realizing it. Most of which have never been tested.

Never before has our food been so corrupted with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones, steroids, excitotoxins, high-fructose corn syrup, xenoestrogens, synthetic sweeteners, colors and preservatives, and obscene amounts of refined sugar.

Never before have we exposed our bodies to so many chemicals, in the form of shampoos, lotions, deodorants, makeup, and the like.

Never before have we lived in an electrical landscape of Wi-Fi hotspots and 5G cell towers that boost wireless signals and high-frequency waves over nearly every populated area on Earth.

Never before have we taken so many medications (with Americans consuming over 60 percent of the world’s drug supply).

Never before have we been so removed from nature, breathed in so much pollution, lived in such dense cities, and endured incredibly high-stress lifestyles that keep us up at all hours.

In holistic health care we simply supply the body with what is missing and needs so it can initiate and complete healing on its own. 

The protocols are designed to be implemented for long and ongoing term use for the deficiencies to be address optimally and fully. 

Minimum of 3-6 months are required for most deficiencies to be addressed fully. In some cases of up to 2-3 years is required! That is why our protocols are very thorough.

How do you know what supplements I need?

We use very thorough Nutrition-Metabolic along with Blood Chemistry Analysis portion of our assessments to evaluate the nutritional needs of a client.

In addition, we also use very thorough specialty lab testing to detect and confirm different forms of toxicities that people usually have.  They include heavy and non-heavy metals, mycotoxins from molds, environmental toxins, and endotoxins.  

One of the great benefits of our modern technology is that we can test very thoroughly for toxicity in blood, urine, stool & hair. 

Do I have to take supplements for the rest of my life?

No, supplements are specific for addressing deficiencies and toxicity so your body can heal itself. When you attain healing, you will no longer need the supplements. However, unless you grow and harvest all or most of your food and can guarantee that it is truly organic, and extremely nutrient dense, we will recommend you follow a Basic Foundation Maintenance supplemental program protocol during your lifetime. These programs are unique to each person and will be discussed with you thoroughly.

Do you accept everyone as a client?

We will schedule everyone who contacts our office for an initial consult. However, in some instances we find the person is not a good “fit” for us and/or we are not a good “fit” for them and request they seek natural health care elsewhere. These decisions are not made lightly and are only made after a full staff review of the circumstances.

Can I talk to one of your clients about their experience before I make a decision to work with you?

Of course, we will give them your contact information and they will contact you.

What is a dropper-full when using liquid form of supplements?

Insert the glass dropper into the liquid, squeeze the rubber tip fully one time. This will fill the glass dropper about one-half full. This constitutes one dropper full.

Are nutraceuticals safe?

Yes, herbs and natural supplements are food and foods are safe unless a client happens to have a particular food allergy or sensitivity to any of the ingredients which is extremely rare.

Can I take the different herbal formulas all at one time?

Herbs are food and are very safe to mix. Ideally, take them few minutes apart. However, if you do not have the time, you can mix them. Keep in mind you mix the food on your dinner plate with no ill side effects!

Can I take the different supplement formulas all at one time?

Yes, you can, it is completely safe. It is no different than mixing your food at the dinner table with no side effect! However, follow your customized nutrition and a supplemental plan.  The reason why we separate certain supplements is for the most optimal and desired effect. In addition, many people cannot take many pills/tablets at one time.